So you have a web site, you placed the e-zine ads, done your pay per click campaigns, placed your on-line classifieds, and completed your sites search engine optimization. Well done, you may be getting your traffic counter spinning, or your visitors may be building more slowly. No matter how that visitor count is looking you can always use some more , right?
If you are searching for more unorthodox methods of marketing your web site, try thinking off line. Before you start your next on line campaign, consider trying some of the old tried and true traditional promotion techniques .
Many Modern online webmasters or businesses are guilty of becoming blinkered to the world outside of cyberspace, Yes it is still there. Nearly every niche or subject has its own publication, and there are still newspapers and magazines. Many of these can bring a flood of highly targeted visitors to your web sites door.
If you operate a web site that sells an amazing new product. You can stretch your advertising budget by placing ads that contain only your URL, in a publication that your target audience will read. An ad that reads, would attract plenty of traffic from curious gamers, in an Xbox magazine for example. While other companies are using their ad space to explain their product, you’ve provided a compelling reason (curiosity) for gamers to hit your site. Since you only advertised the URL, you don’t require considerable space to explain your idea, hence the cost of your ad will be very reasonable. If your main URL doesn't have a compelling keyword in its title, register one that does, and place a free redirect on it to your main site (this costs less than $10 per year typically).
You probably already write articles on your web sites subject, for your search engine optimization efforts, Instead of on line publication why not get it published in old fashioned print, It will be just as effective, if not more effective, than on-line publication. So get your articles and news releases out to these publications, no matter where they are published. There’s a magazine for just about everything these days, so whatever your area of expertise is, you’ll find an editor who might be interested in running your article.
It's true that the on-line world is a tremendous place to market your products and services, But don’t forget about the rest of the world, or you’ll miss out on some tremendous marketing opportunities, and traffic.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Need Traffic To Your Web Site, Try Going Off Line
Friday, September 5, 2008
Interview With A Traffic Expert
Michael Cheney, one of the most-respected names in Internet marketing, has been online since 1995 and is the man behind the 6-Figure launches of AdSense Videos and 11 Days To List Profits. He has unveiled a new videos product - "Michael's Traffic Videos" which covers everything to do with traffic and comes with 100,000 instant ad credits and a tailored Fast-Track To Traffic Action Plan.
We managed to grab some time with him recently and quiz him on his favorite topic - traffic.
You'll get a lot out of this interview including a killer 40-page E-book on traffic that Michael has written to help you avoid the Top 20 Traffic Disasters!
So let's get started.
Q. Firstly Michael, thank you for joining us today in your busy schedule.
A. Hey no problem. Good to be here.
Q. We all know that traffic is important but could you just explain a bit about traffic for the beginners out there?
A. Sure. Traffic is the lifeblood of any business online. Without it you just die. We all know that. But what a lot of us don't realize is that just like everything else on the Internet traffic changes very quickly. That is, the methods of getting traffic are changing all the time and that's where people get caught out.
Q. What do you mean by "caught out"?
A. Well people fall into the trap of thinking that just because they know one or two traffic generation methods that they are some sort of traffic master. In reality just because you know how to start a pay per click campaign or a little bit about search engines doesn't make you anywhere near a traffic expert. I'm trying to spread the word that there is a massive array of traffic tactics that most people aren't even aware of, let alone using or mastering.
Q. Can you give us some examples?
A. Sure. Offline for example. You might immediately think that getting traffic is a purely online activity but the truth of the matter is that there are lots of things you can be doing offline to get people into your website. And it's usually these sorts of areas that are being under-utilized and therefore there is less competition for that traffic as well.
Q. So by offline you mean advertising offline?
A. Not necessarily. That is one method, yes, but I'm thinking of more creative ways to get people into your website. It all comes down to the fact that having asked people on my list it came as no surprise that most people want to know about free rather than paid traffic sources. I've had to become an expert in free ways of getting traffic in my time online.
Q. What do you mean - I thought you were running a successful online business with lots of cash flow?
A. I am. But it's not always been this way. When I first started out in 1995 I had nothing. No money to play with. Just my own initiative and imagination.
Q. So are you saying you're against paying for traffic online?
A. No. No I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is that, especially when you first start out, you always want to focus on the free methods. You get the traffic in for free, make some sales and then you can reinvest some of that money into paid methods of getting traffic. This speeds up the process.
Q. So what particular offline methods are you referring to - can you give us some examples?
A. There's one tactic I used that costs nothing to implement, is relatively quick and ended up getting me thousands and thousands of targeted visitors into my websites. When I've shared this tactic with other marketers at seminars they've started laughing and slapping their foreheads when they saw how easy it was. They were also embarrassed that they had failed to use this tactic. It was quite amusing.
Q. So are you going to tell us what this method is?
A. No! (laughs) It's in my course! I truly believe in rewarding those people that are most eager to learn so instead of giving away all my traffic tactics in interviews like this I've put some of them in an E-Book I've written. It is free though if people want to get it.
Q. So how can people get hold of it?
A. It's called "How To Avoid The Top 20 Traffic Disasters" and you can get it by going to Michael's Traffic Videos - you'll see it mentioned on that page.
Q. What's in it?
A. Well I really wanted to raise the bar on a free E-Book so I spent a lot of time creating it. It's 40 pages long and stuffed with juicy content on what NOT to do when it comes to traffic. As far as I'm concerned too many people out there tell you what you should do but not what you shouldn't do. That's where this E-Book comes in.
Q. Okay. I think we're about done is there anything else you want to tell everyone?
A. Just that if they are serious about getting more traffic into their website they need to goto Michael's Traffic Videos and get that free E-Book.
Q. Cool. Well thanks for your time Michael and speak to you soon.
A. My pleasure. Speak soon.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Basics Of Internet Traffic Generation
Traffic generation is not rocket science. A lot of people try to complicate it because they have something to sell. Well, if you knew how simple it really was, you'd never buy another traffic generation book ever again. If you think I'm kidding, this article is going to show you JUST how simple it is. By the time you're done reading this, you should be able to hit the Internet with all guns blazing...ready to get your share of the traffic puzzle. So take notes. There will be a one question quiz at the end of this.
Okay, to begin with, the Internet is HUGE. You can't even begin to know how many people are on it each day. The figures are staggering. And they're all looking for something. Not everybody is going to be looking for what YOU have to offer, but there are people out there who are. THOSE are the people you have to target. How? It's really simple. You go to where they hang out. Think about it. If you're interested in online games, where do YOU hang out? You hang out at forums and online game rooms. Well, if you're selling something to do with online games, you want to be where these people are. That is the easiest and quickest way to reach them. Simply by being there, hanging out and answering your questions, from word of mouth alone, you'll be generating traffic to your site IF you have something that these people are interested in. That's one way of generating traffic.
Another way is simply to go out and buy it. That's right, buy it. You can use pay per click advertising, solo ezine ads or just about anything where you are paying for traffic. Naturally, if you are going to pay for traffic, you want to make sure that the traffic is targeted. You're not going to buy a solo ezine ad at an ezine for health problems if you're selling video games. It just doesn't make sense.
Finally, there is just good old fashioned search engine optimization. Set up your web page and make sure it's optimized for the search engines so that you get a high ranking. If you don't have the skills to do this yourself, hire somebody who can.
Traffic generation is not hard. It can be time consuming, but there is nothing about it that's difficult. It's really as simple as what I've outlined above.
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